Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Rudy: the trip to the vet wasn't so scary after all

Rudy: It's been two weeks since I went to sleep at the big place with the smell of a lot of other dogs and people and woke up with a sore leg and wearing the Cone of Shame.

She Who Must Rarely Be Obeyed took me for another car ride. I did not want to go. Just as I thought, we went back to that big place. I was shivering with fear the whole way there. Why did She make me go?

She's tryin' to make me go to Rehab.

We went into a room. I had to lie down and then Katie came and looked at my sore leg. I like Katie.

Then Dr. Remedios came in and also looked at my sore leg and watched me walk down the hall and back. She said I should walk faster. I hope She was listening. I hate this slow walking stuff.

Dr. Remedios said I'm doing very well. But I still have to wear the Cone of Shame. And I am supposed to walk on four legs. We shall see. I go faster on three.

I had a cookie and came home. Not shivering.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Our four-year anniversary

Rudy:  It was four years ago, on Canada Day weekend 2006, when we came to live here.

That's when I met Maggie.  She had attitude, I'll give her that.  I was so impressed, I decided to teach her all my fighting tricks.

Maggie:  Don't tell anyone but I was afraid he was going to kill me.  I hid under the rhubarb plant and then figured out I could stand right under Rudy just like under a table.  I am very fierce.

These are two great kids' books. Starring dogs.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Maggie:  I am going to catch a magpie and eat it.

Magpie:  I am going to stay here until that black dog dies and then I'm going to eat it.

"It's a jungle out there."